Released: 2020
Platform: Nintendo Switch & PC
Genre: Action Platformer

Visit website

Released: 2018
Platform: iOS
Genre: Sidescrolling racegame

About us

TurtleBlaze is a dormant game studio from The Hague. We were a 3-guy operation that created two games. Currently, everyone is doing his own thing.

Benjamin de Jager

Code guy

Richard Lems

Art man

Bram Stege

Production something

Press & Contact

Unfortunately, TurtleBlaze is dormant, so we're not hiring. Please don't ask about jobs or internships.
If you have a question regarding something else, please send it to info@turtleblaze.com.

For KUNAI logo's etc, visit the official press kit.
For KUNAI PRESS inquiries contact press@thearcadecrew.com.